Top 5 Scholarships Offered By Indian Government: Check Eligibility, Benefits Here

The Indian government offers different types of financial aid to Indian students to help them with their education, whether they choose to study in India or overseas. Some well-known scholarships provided by the government include:
1. Central Sector Scholarship Scheme (CSSS): This scholarship is for students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds who are studying further after Class VIII in either government or recognised private schools.It includes payment for the entire tuition fee, hostel expenses, and a yearly maintenance allowance.

  • Eligibility: College and university students who have done exceptionally well in their studies (roughly around the top 20% or higher in 12th grade) and can prove they come from financially struggling families (annual household income under Rs. 8 lakh).
  • Benefits: The scholarship offers an annual amount ranging from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000.

2. National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS): This scholarship is for students whose families earn less than Rs. 1.5 lakh annually. It’s given to students in classes from IX to XII, depending on how well they performed in the exams of the previous year.

  • Eligibility: Students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds (annual family income below Rs. 1.5 lakh) studying in classes 9 to 12. Selection is based on both academic merit and financial need.
  • Benefits: Students can receive financial support of up to Rs. 12,000 per year.

3. AICTE Pragati Scholarship: This scholarship is for students who are studying technical subjects at diploma and undergraduate levels. It offers financial support to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

  • Eligibility: This scholarship is aimed at students from Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) who are pursuing postgraduate technical education programs such as M.Tech, M.Arch, and MBA.
  • Benefits: It offers financial support to students belonging to these social categories.

4. AICTE Saksham Scholarship: This scholarship is designed for students with disabilities who are studying technical subjects. It offers financial aid to help with tuition fees and other related expenses.

  • Eligibility: Aimed at students with disabilities who are studying technical programs like diplomas or undergraduate degrees.
  • Benefits: Offers financial aid and additional support services for students with disabilities.

5. Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF): This fellowship is for students undertaking a PhD in fields like science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), social sciences, humanities, or law. It offers a generous fellowship and a contingency grant.

  • Eligibility: Open to Ph.D. students enrolled in specific research fields such as sciences, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, and healthcare at PMRF-approved institutions.
  • Benefits: Provides a fellowship of up to Rs. 10.92 lakh annually for four years. Half of the funding comes from the government, while the rest is sponsored by an industry partner.

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