NMC Issues Minimum Standard Requirement for Post Graduate Courses; Check Key Highlights from PGMSR Here

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has issued a notification outlining the minimum standard requirements for Postgraduate Courses. This directive pertains to the establishment of new medical institutions, commencement of new medical courses, augmentation of seats for existing courses, and compliance with the Assessment and Rating Regulations, 2023, along with Section 3.4 of the Post-Graduate Medical Education Regulation-2023.
Key Highlights of the PGMSR 2023
1.An educational institution that offers both undergraduate and post-graduate education must meet the minimum requirements for undergraduate training outlined by UGMEB in the UG-MSR document. Additionally, it must fulfill extra requirements for post-graduate training.
2. The hospital building should adhere to national building standards and local regulations.
3. The faculty, infrastructure, and support staff in the departments of Radio-diagnosis, Anaesthesia, Pathology, Microbiology, and Biochemistry should be increased proportionally with the growth of hospital beds.
4. Throughout the year, 80 percent of hospital beds should be occupied by inpatients.
5. At least 15 percent of total beds in the post-graduate training department should be dedicated to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds/High Dependency Unit (HDU) beds exclusively for that department.
Download: Minimum Standard Requirement for Post Graduate Courses, 2023
6. Each teaching department must have a teaching room with audio-visual facilities, capable of accommodating a sufficient number of students for clinical case discussions/demonstrations.
7. Full-time faculty members are required, and they should not engage in private practice during college hours. A minimum attendance of 75 percent on total working days is mandatory for faculty.
8. Every medical college should have a specified number of closed-circuit cameras at designated locations, as prescribed by the National Medical Commission.
9. Each college/institute must have its own website, providing details of departments, available facilities, faculty contacts, PG courses with seat numbers, information on admitted students, and clinical workload details (OPD, IPD, and Surgeries) for each department separately.
Ratio of Recognized Post-Graduate Faculty to the Number of Student (Broad Specialty)

Government College + Non-Govt. Colleges *** Other Non-Government Colleges
Professor/ Associate Prof as Unit
Head/ Associate Professor*
1:3 1:2
Associate Professor 1:2 1:1
Assistant Professor**

Ratio of Recognized Post-Graduate Faculty to the Number of Student (Super Specialty)

Govt. Colleges
Non-Govt. Colleges
Professor 1:2 1:2
Associate Prof. 1:2 1:2
Assistant Prof. 1:1 1:1

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