Meet Firozabad’s Shivam Agarwal, The Son Of A Bangle Worker, Now A Chartered Accountant

ICAI officially announced the results on January 9, 2024.

ICAI officially announced the results on January 9, 2024.

Aspirants can check their qualifying status via the official website.

The results of the Chartered Accountant Final 2023 examination by ICAI have significantly transformed the life of a bangle worker from Firozabad. The dreams of a former bangle warehouse labourer have been realised through his son’s remarkable success. Shivam Aggarwal of Firozabad has proven that success can be attained with limited resources if the person is willing to put his best foot forward.

Shivam Aggarwal, a 25-year-old resident of Gher Asgran near Firozabad Ghantaghar, passed the Chartered Accountant Final 2023 examination. Inspired by his father, who works as a labourer in a bangle warehouse, Shivam pursued the CA qualification despite financial constraints.

Starting his CA journey in 2016, driven by his father’s aspirations, Shivam initially relied on self-study but encountered challenges in passing the exams. In 2016, he successfully cleared the CPT exam and further intensified his preparation by attending a coaching centre in Firozabad for four hours daily.

Motivated by his cousin, who is a Chartered Accountant (CA), Sanjeev Kumar Aggarwal, Shivam’s father, was determined to guide his son towards achieving the same qualification. Despite working in a bangle warehouse for 40 years with a monthly income of Rs 12,000, Sanjeev Kumar Aggarwal faced financial challenges. Nevertheless, he not only supports the family but also manages to pay the house rent. Sanjeev Kumar Aggarwal Bunty played a crucial role in preparing his son, Shivam, for the CA exams.

In a rented house for the past 40 years, Shivam Aggarwal’s family, including his parents and a sister, faced financial constraints that prevented them from purchasing a home due to his father’s limited income. The already challenging financial situation was intensified by the high cost of education. Nevertheless, overcoming these hurdles, Shivam successfully cleared the CA exam. He is now committed to improving the financial condition of his family in the future.

ICAI CA Result Nov 2023 Declared

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) officially announced the results for the CA Intermediate and Final exams conducted in November 2023 on January 9, 2024. Aspirants who participated in the examination can check their qualifying status via the official website.

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